About Us

Deanmore Primary School is an independent Public School servicing a beachside catchment area since 1961 where parents seek a quality education for their children.  The Primary School’s website can be found at www.deanmoreps.wa.edu.au

Deanmore Primary School’s P&C is made up of parents and citizen’s within the Deanmore community.  A school Parents and Citizens Association has two main objectives:

  1. Developing a thriving school community through enhancing the relationships between teachers, students and parents.
  2. To provide additional learning and development opportunities for our children.

In meeting these objectives Deanmore Primary School P&C has been blessed with a sound support base of parents willing to give some of their precious time and a strong sense of community that has seen us become one of the premier Independent Primary Schools in the metropolitan area.

Government funding can only provide a certain amount of the essential needs of a school and we as a P&C Association have the task of enabling the school to provide a higher level of advantage for our kids to help them be the best they can and assist them to make the most of its wonderful teaching staff. 

Deanmore now has an enviable ongoing electronic learning support program that provides individual computer access to all students as a direct result of parent support of the P&C fundraising efforts. Many of the library books, much of the play equipment and shade structures in every day use are a direct result of P&C funding initiatives. 

While the physical equipment and resources are nice to have, the one invaluable thing that has the most effect is a sense of acceptance and belonging to a community. As parents and care givers we usually have some common goals, one of which is usually to see our own children become happy, healthy, socially balanced members of the type of community we would like to live in

One of the easiest ways to help this happen is to be a part of their school lives in even the smallest way. It may be as simple as coming along to the after- school coffee on the oval afternoons or putting your name down to help in the canteen once a term. Even an hour on a cake stall or at the book fair is a huge help and greatly appreciated. I do know from experience that our kids really love to see us at school being a part of their lives and helping out. 

If you have any questions or need some information, just seek out your class or pod rep. Meetings are held at 7:30pm on the last Monday of the month in the staff room. Access is via the front office. Everyone is welcome and it can give a greater insight into why Deanmore is the great school it is.